

INA-newsletter 2021-spring

Life via Zoom: Just like everyone else, INA has been doing business via Zoom. Below is a screenshot from a meeting where we were discussing INA 18. So, for a fabulous prize, put thought/speech bubbles above at least 2 of the participants in this call. More points for each person that you include. Entries will be due to by March 20. Best entry will receive a great prize and will be announced at the business meeting on March 22nd. Must be safe for work!

Congrats to Will Boyes, who won the last “Just for Fun” and received a handmade pen.

1) INA Presidents: Socially distanced before it was cool!
2) Bubble over Remco’s head “I just pray that Tim is COVID-19 negative and backs up to 6 feet apart!”

Have Items for the Next Newsletter?

Please feel free to send in items to be added to the next newsletter.  Items that can be published include: job advertisements, grant advertisements, meeting announcements, summaries of recent neurotox related meetings, address and/or job changes,  and any other items of interest to neurotoxicologists.


Do you have copies of old newsletters? If you have copies of old newsletters from the past please contact the Editor or send a copy via mail.  Newsletters needed are any that are not listed above.

Special Thanks To: Jordi Llorens for sending copies of a lot of the past newsletters!

Please note:  You must have Adobe Acobat Reader to view these newsletters.

You can get Acobat Reader for free at If you do not have access to Acobat Reader and would like copies of any of the old newsletters, just send a note to the Editor and hard copies will be sent via regular mail.